갑상선암 생존율 높지만 안심할 수 없는 이유

The thyroid gland plays a very important role in our body, but problems often arise. In the institution, nodules often occur in organs that secrete thyroid hormones, of which 5% are known to be diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a malignant tumor. The prognosis was better than other cancers, so the survival rate of thyroid cancer itself was high. However, in most cases, early symptoms rarely appear, and the discovery is often delayed.As the stage of cancer progresses, nodules such as lumps may appear in the throat, but I didn’t feel any pain in particular. Suddenly, the nodule size of the thyroid gland area increased or voice changes occurred, causing inconvenience when swallowing food. Symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing were sometimes accompanied. In addition, there were cases where the lymph nodes became enlarged during lymphatic gland metastasis.The cause of thyroid cancer has not been clearly confirmed yet, but we found that various factors have been reported. First of all, excessive exposure to radiation can increase the risk of development due to the destruction of DNA structure, and genetic factors are also known to be involved. Thyroid nodules, related diseases, and iodine deficiency were also known as risk factors. At the time of diagnosis, ultrasound, micro needle inhalation cell test, central needle biopsy, thyroid function test, thyroid scan, etc. were performed. Excision was cited as the basic healing method after being diagnosed with cancer.Usually, the entire thyroid gland will be removed during resection. This resection process has the advantage of reducing cancer recurrence and mortality, which can increase the survival rate of thyroid cancer, but it has caused concerns that thyroid function will disappear. For this reason, patients had no choice but to live with the inconvenience of having to take hormone drugs steadily. The survival rate of thyroid cancer is very high, but it was necessary to know that the part to be careful about was recurrence.In fact, the average recurrence period is about 8.1 years, the recurrence rate is about 27%, and recurrence after 20 years after resection accounts for about 11% of patients with recurrence, so it is found that they should be managed steadily for the rest of their lives. So far, the known survival rate of thyroid cancer is known to have a very good prognosis with a 100% 5-year survival rate, but since thyroid cancer progresses very slowly, the recurrence rate is not very high, but as I mentioned earlier, steady management along with cancer healing must be carried out.What should most patients who have undergone resection consider first? I thought it was a tireless effort to prevent a speedy recovery and recurrence. Rather than returning to daily life immediately after cancer was cured, it was helpful to have time to repair and recover. Therefore, many cancer patients were supported by oriental medical institutions here. The goal of this oriental medical institution’s thyroid cancer healing was as follows. After resection, it helped manage infection and rapid recovery, manage complications and aftereffects, manage iodine therapy and hormone therapy aftereffects, and manage long-term recurrence and metastasis prevention. In particular, we were able to check the 12-week program to prevent cancer recurrence and metastasis. This was known as a program for cancer patients who needed continuous management.First of all, cancer prevention tests are management to find hidden cancer cells that cannot be identified by general tests and prevent them in advance, and prevent residual cancer and maintain a healthy immune system to prevent new cancers, metastasis and recurrence. And nutritional infusion healing was also a way to manage patients’ immunity by prescribing amino acids and mineral infusion with high absorption rate in the body.Also, I was able to help you with active care before and after resection. First of all, we provided a customized menu to enhance physical strength with a patient-friendly menu, which helped anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects after resection, combined immune healing, dressing and inflammatory management to promote immune cell activity.In addition, we were able to confirm a four-week program of customized care for patients who received anti-cancer and radiation treatment. It informed us that it provides an environment in which patients can fully concentrate on healing and recovery in a truly resting environment, including high-frequency hyperthermia that helps necrosis of heat-sensitive cancer tissue, protect normal cells, manage aftereffects, and increase healing effect.In addition, depending on individual health conditions, we were working hard to greatly improve the patient’s physical strength and immunity by providing high-dose vitamin therapy, various immunotherapy, and management such as pill, needle, non-kun therapy, and Wangmoxibustion therapy. If you want to receive systematic cancer management such as short-term hospitalization, outpatient care, immune system improvement after anti-cancer, and intensive physical management, I think it would be good to get help from this side.In addition, depending on individual health conditions, we were working hard to greatly improve the patient’s physical strength and immunity by providing high-dose vitamin therapy, various immunotherapy, and management such as pill, needle, non-kun therapy, and Wangmoxibustion therapy. If you want to receive systematic cancer management such as short-term hospitalization, outpatient care, immune system improvement after anti-cancer, and intensive physical management, I think it would be good to get help from this side.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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